i also have been leveling recently by fighting through dungeons. it seems that in the dungeon i gain more experience at a rapid rate and the bosses yield a large amount of experience. Blizzard has installed an aspect to the dungeons that has increased the motivation to pursue multiple dungeons in one sitting, or at least increase the total number of dungeons completed. there is a tool called the dungeon finder that will put your character into a queue to either join a specific dungeon or a random dungeon. this makes finding a dungeon group effortless and it can be done while you are completing quests. a great motivational mechanism that was installed in the dungeon finder was that if you have no preference as to which dungeon you enter then you can queue for a random dungeon and when you slay the final boss in that dungeon you are rewarded with an item called a satchel of helpful goods. when you open this satchel there is a rare item that is often a radical upgrade to your characters gear.
before i took notice of this aspect of the game i would run dungeons often leaving with little to no "loot" and almost never came out with items that drastically improved the stats of my character. since it seemed like i was wasting my time in these dungeon i entered less. this reward guarantees you a solid item at the end of the dungeon thus providing excellent motivation to enter as many random dungeons as possible.
in Gee's self-knowledge principle, the gamer learns about the domain and him or herself as well as their current and potential capacities. i would say that to an extent you will learn about the domain if you so choose. a player can go through the game doing minimal exploration simply racing to the level cap. if one wishes, you could spend an entire month running through the 4 continents exploring the various environments and topographies and unique properties that correspond with each. what i think Warcraft does not accomplish is having the gamer learn about themselves. in a sense you do learn about the capacities, current and potential, of your created character but there is no point in which you will discover your own personal capacities in the "real world" besides maybe how fast you can click the mouse haha! this is mostly because the game really does not test any of your abilities as there is no need for math, history, science, or any other subject for that matter. in a select few occasions you may be required to use logic or reasoning skills but not very often. dont get me wrong, this does not reduce the quality of the game or my desire to play....... just pointing out a quality missing from WoW that James Paul Gee values in a good quality game.
another Principle that is often poorly expressed is the Amplification of input principle. there are virtually no instances, besides maybe very early gameplay, in which a small amount of input yields a large amount of output. WoW is a difficult game that requires dedication, hard work, and many hours to play and perfect.
now that is enough World of Warcraft bashing. the simple fact that the game is an MMORPG along with the intricate game design as well as the multiple routes principle, makes it an excellent example of number 20 multimodal principle. there are eons more to WoW than just text. there is virtual environments, player versus player combat, player versus environment combat, dungeons, multiple story lines, and so much more. in fact, there is so much stuff that i could probably write a novel about it all. unfortunately i dont feel like writing a novel so im not gonna go too deep into it. all you need to know is that World of Warcraft takes gameplay light years past simply text.
as i discussed earlier, you could spend days exploring the various continents in WoW. Gee's discovery principle allows the gamer to explore their new environment. the game provides guidance so that your gameplay can be organized and not chaotic. but the way in which the information and guidance is provided allows the gamer to explore and learn how to do things for themself. its a solid system that provides you with enough information to complete your quests or other endeavors but doesnt write it out step by step so that you have to figure out the best way to complete it.
i recently discovered battlegrounds, which are a haven for player versus player combat. so far i can enter two different battlegrounds. the first is called Warsong Gulch and it is essentially an extreme version of capture the flag. you attempt to capture the other teams flag and in order to make the flag carrier drop the flag you have to kill him. the other battleground is called Arathi Basin. the Basin is a collection of 5 camps or bases that include the mine, stables, blacksmith, lumbermill and farm. the goal of this game is to gain control of as many of the bases and then protect them. when you have control over a particular base it will start to create resources for your team. the first team to gain a certain amount of resources wins the game. of course there would be no reason to play these games if there were no reward. when you win a game you are awarded 3 tokens from that battleground and when you lose you are only awarded 1. each game you also get an amount of honor points based on both your performance and your team's performance. these honor points and the tokens can be used to buy special items and pieces of gear.